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I Have Never Run A Marathon or Have I?

I Have Never Run A Marathon or Have I?

I have never run a marathon. I see running a marathon as one of those things that I know I could do but something comes to me and says.. Nope. Don’t do it, you’re going to have to run everyday and then run some more. I guess you can say I am not a fan of running. Although my childhood background includes numerous Saturday morning track meets. 

People who run marathons are special. Here in Chicago, where we host the annual Chicago Marathon, oddly enough, runners actually pay lots of money or raise thousands of dollars for charities to run. They put their mind to it and they just do it. They start the journey to finish the marathon and it happens and they get a medal! A reward. What other thing in life can you think of that gives you a guaranteed medal if you complete it. I can’t think of anything like that. The way a person defines reaching the finish line of success could be similar to receiving a medal. However, let’s be honest, the reward at the end of that journey to success is often linked to money.

Now, back to the fact that I have never ran a physical marathon. 26.2 miles. I imagine running a marathon goes something like this.. 

You have spent months training for the big race and the day finally comes and as you walk to the start line you’re excited and you’re nervous and you’re pumped because you know it’s gonna be a good day and you’re going to cross that damn finish line and get the medal. Now, you’re all equipped, you got your electrolytes and you have your pace mentally sketched in your brain. You can only think of the excitement of getting that medal, food, and a nice beer after completing this marathon journey. 

In my personal and professional life, I’ve met many marathoners. People that have run 26.2 miles for “fun” more than once. It’s a thrill for them. The crazy thing about knowing marathoners is that they have never discussed the ugly parts of the race with me. Is it because they know I’m capable so they don’t want to spoil it for me? Is it they were thinking how fucking crazy they felt while running and it’s just too scary to even talk about? I think it’s really because they don’t give a shit and all I need to know is that they did it.  I don’t know why they have never discussed that with me but the joy on their faces, when they cross that finish line is amazing. It's almost envious. 

It can get ugly. You can train for a marathon and never make it to race day. You can train after years of convincing yourself to do it and "boom" you are injured and never make it to race day. Anything can happen. The best part of all of that from what I have witnessed is that no matter what they do it again. They try again.  

 I have to mention once again that I never physically ran a marathon. 

Some say that life is a marathon. If that is the case, I am definitely running it. I’ve heard this comparison many times and can say life has been a hell of a race so far.  In comparison you go through a crazy amount of emotions and you may get injured along the way but you convince yourself to try again. Everyday you choose to live is the same as the day a marathoner decides they are going to run another race. It’s just one thing that makes it all different. 

You can’t prepare. 

You can’t train for life. You have to just live it.  And you equip yourself with knowledge and skills to make sure that you can push through to the finish line and obtain a medal. 

Well, what if there isn’t a medal or reward. No first place? Will you still run a marathon? The marathon of life. 

Today, I still have the desire to run 26.2 miles. If Diddy can do it, then I can do it, right? When will I run a marathon or even a half? I am not sure but one thing is for sure. Desire won’t get me anything and unless I actually decide to sign up for the race. I will never know.


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